

Ferklearring oer ferfalsking fan ús produkten op 'e merke

Ferklearring oer ferfalsking fan ús produkten op 'e merke Wixhc -klanten: Tankewol foar jo stipe op lange termyn foar Wixhc-produkten. Koartlyn, falske produkten fan ús bedriuw ferskynden op 'e merke en waarden ferkocht yn meardere winkels. De WHB03-L en WHB04-L fan it bedriuw binne yn juny folslein stopset 2018 en ferfongen troch

Troch |2020-01-08T16:07:40+08:0013 july, 2018|Nijs|0 Reaksjes

Notysje oer nije WHB04B-4 / -6 âlde WHB04-L ferfangen

Notysje oer nije WHB04B-4 / -6 âlde WHB04-L ferfangen Beste klanten: Tige tank foar jo sterke stipe op lange termyn foar de Wixhc-technology, om't de chip -leveransier de produksje stoppe, it âlde MACH3 draadloze elektroanyske hânwiel WHB04-L waard staakt. Sil wurde ferfongen troch it nije MACH3 draadloze elektroanyske hânwiel WHB04B-4 / -6,

Troch |2020-01-08T16:10:56+08:0015 mei, 2018|Nijs|0 Reaksjes

Meidieling oer de oanhâldende ferkeap fan MKX-IV motion control cards

Meidieling oer de oanhâldende ferkeap fan MKX-IV motion control cards Beste klant: As earste, thank you for your strong support to our company for a long time. In order to provide customers with the most satisfied and high-quality products, the company decided to continue to produce and sell fourth-generation

Troch |2020-01-08T16:06:41+08:005 july, 2017|Nijs|0 Reaksjes

2016 The 18th Dongguan International Mold Metal Processing, Plastics and Packaging Exhibition

2016 The 18th Dongguan International Mold Metal Processing, Plastics and Packaging Exhibition Hosted by Paper Communication Exhibition Company, 2016 Guangdong International Robot and Intelligent Equipment Expo, 18th DMP Dongguan International Mould, Metal Processing, Plastic and Packaging Exhibition, November 29-December 2, 2016 in Houjie, Dongguan, China Guangdong Modern International Exhibition Center

Troch |2019-12-31T15:26:11+08:00January 7th, 2016|Nijs|0 Reaksjes

Mauris aliquet auctor mi volutpat sagittis rutrum

Mauris aliquet auctor mi non volutpat. Mauris efficitur sagittis rutrum. Aenean placerat, felis eu rutrum suscipit, diam urna egestas augue, a sollicitudin sapien mi at justo. Nunc pretium, nisl quis ullamcorper laoreet, dui dolor imperdiet magna, ac commodo turpis neque et est. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed ultrices eros sit amet augue vestibulum.

Troch |2019-12-19T13:18:20+08:00January 6th, 2016|Nijs|0 Reaksjes

Passy mei passy en kuierje mei leafde-2020 Wixhc jiergearkomste

Passion with passion and walk with love-2020 Wixhc Annual Meeting On January 4-5, 2020, Wixhc's 2019 year-end work summary meeting and the 2020 Orientation Party were grandly held in the ancient town of Tai'an, Qingchengshan. Focusing on the theme of the annual meeting of “Passion and Paid with Love”, the

Troch |2020-01-13T14:13:31+08:0016 novimber, 2015|Nijs|1 Reaksje

Wixhc Technology

Wy binne in lieder yn 'e CNC-yndustry, spesjalisearre yn draadloze transmission en CNC Motion Control foar mear dan 20 jierren. Wy hawwe tsientallen patinteare technologyen, en ús produkten ferkeapje goed yn mear dan 40 lannen om 'e wrâld, typyske applikaasjes sammelje fan hast 10000 klanten.

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