Მძიმე! Wixhc აღწევს სტრატეგიულ თანამშრომლობას ამერიკულ ArtSoft– თან (Mach3)!

Each step is establishing a new level of wixhc and ushering in an important moment in history. On December 10, 2018, Wixhc and American ArtSoft Corporation (Mach3) joined forces to become a strategic partner of CNC systems. This cooperation promotes both parties to further improve overall operational efficiency and create greater business value.

Wixhc hardware products are among the best in the field of numerical control, და ამერიკული ArtSoft (Mach3) software products are the best in this field. Both products are widely used in CNC lathes, mold engraving machines, დამუშავების ცენტრები, woodworking machines, wood engraving machines, medical denture engraving machines, laser Marking machine, plasma cutting machine, flame cutting machine, laser gravure plate making machine, laser flexo plate making machine and other fields.
The combination of Chinese and Western, both hard and soft. This strategic cooperation is not only conducive to the establishment of a sustained and stable cooperative relationship between the two sides, complementary advantages, mutual benefit and more beneficial to the long-term development of the two sides. We firmly believe that Wixhc and American ArtSoft Company (Mach3) can dance with each other in the field of numerical control, and will definitely bring more possibilities and surprises to customers in the CNC industry.