


25 switch quantities, 4 analog quantities, buttons can be used for subtraction, panels can be customized, used in electric welding machines, roller frames, wire saw cutting and other industries

Using 433 communication protocol and remote wireless frequency hopping transmission, the wireless remote control of electric welding machine is realized.

Aplikasi:electric welding turning rolls

1.433 wireless transmission protocol, long distance wireless frequency hopping, 200Transmisi gratis panghalang M

2.las automation mesin las sarta operator las.Turn Rolls 1.Using frékuénsi hopping téhnologi transmisi 32 sets of equipment at the same place at the same time 3.Display welding current, welding voltage and welding speed

4. Two roads of 5K isolation digital potentiometer output, realize welding current and voltage remote control

5. Two 10V analog voltage output, control converter speed regulation.

6.25 way 250V/3A relay output, control contactor

7.Emergency stop relay output

8.Desain kakuatan low, only 3 AA batteries for a month

  • 200Transmisi gratis panghalang M
  • 25 way 250V/3A relay output, control contactor
  • Gampang dianggo


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