Monthly Archives: December 2018


Kulengeza pa kukhazikitsidwa kwa malo oyimbira a mawu anzeru

Okondedwa abwenzi: Moni! Kuti ndikupatseni chithandizo chabwino ndikukhazikitsa chithunzi chabwino cha kampani, kuyambira Disembala 28, 2018, kampani yathu imayendetsa machitidwe ogwiritsa ntchito poyimba mwaluso, ndi switchboard nambala ndi +86-0028-67877153. Ili ndi makina oyendera mawu, zomwe zimatha kupititsa patsogolo luso la kasitomala. Kukhazikitsa zingapo

Wolemba |2020-01-08T16:10:36+08:00Disembala 26th, 2018|Nkhani|0 Ndemanga

Zovuta! Wixhc imagwirizana mogwirizana ndi American ArtSoft (Mach3)!

Zovuta! Wixhc imagwirizana mogwirizana ndi American ArtSoft (Mach3)! Each step is establishing a new level of wixhc and ushering in an important moment in history. On December 10, 2018, Wixhc and American ArtSoft Corporation (Mach3) joined forces to become a strategic partner of CNC systems. This cooperation promotes both

Wolemba |2020-01-08T16:08:45+08:00Disembala 20, 2018|Nkhani|0 Ndemanga

Nkhani yabwino! Tikuthokozani bwino chifukwa cha Wixhc chifukwa chokhala No. 1 ku Sichuan ndi anzawo!

Nkhani yabwino! Tikuthokozani bwino chifukwa cha Wixhc chifukwa chokhala No. 1 ku Sichuan ndi anzawo! Wixhc ndi bizinesi yapamwamba kwambiri yophatikiza R & D, kupanga ndi kugulitsa, kuyang'ana pa kufalitsa kwa data opanda zingwe ndi kafukufuku wowongolera kuyenda. Timapereka makasitomala ndiukadaulo wapamwamba kwambiri, zotetezeka komanso zodalirika, solutions and

Wolemba |2020-01-08T16:09:24+08:00Disembala 20, 2018|Nkhani|0 Ndemanga

End of the year, the thickest battle-year-end promotional activities have begun!

End of the year, the thickest battle-year-end promotional activities have begun! At the end of the year and at the end of the year, many dealers and users have started preparing for the New Year's goods. Wixhc has been committed to industrial remote control, zingwe zamagetsi zamagetsi, numerical control remote

Wolemba |2020-01-08T16:08:02+08:00December 1st, 2018|Nkhani|0 Ndemanga

Teknoloji ya Wixhc

Ndife mtsogoleri mu makampani a CNC, okhazikika pamagetsi opanda zingwe ndi CNC Motion Control yoposa 20 zaka. Tili ndi matekinoloje ambiri okhala ndi setifiketi, ndipo malonda athu amagulitsa bwino kuposa 40 mayiko padziko lonse lapansi, kudzikundikira ntchito pafupifupi pafupifupi 10000 makasitomala.

Ma Tweets Aposachedwa


Lowani kuti mupeze zatsopano komanso zosintha. Osadandaula, sititumiza sipamu!