FAQ Yamagulu

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FAQ Yamagulu2016-02-27T23:09:13+08:00
What is the guarantee of product quality?2019-12-09T15:59:06+08:00

Kuti muwonetsetse chitetezo ndi mtundu wodalirika wa kapangidwe kake, we have perfect operation process and operation procedures, and strictly follow the production process. Our products and services have passed the ISO9001 quality system international certification.

How should I handle after-sales service?2019-12-09T16:03:36+08:00

You can call the Wixhc core to synthesize the science and technology customer service call center: 0086-28-67877153 or official Facebook, WeChat public number, QQ online customer service, ndi zina.

What are the characteristics of the wireless remote controller with core synthesis technology?2019-12-09T16:06:31+08:00

1. Adopt 433MHz ISM frequency band for wireless data transmission.
2. Automatic frequency hopping like Bluetooth ensures the stability and reliability of data transmission.
3. GFSK code. Compared with the infrared remote control, the remote control has a long distance, no direction and strong penetration ability! Low bit error rate, safe and reliable.
4. The operation is simple and the control is timely. The user does not need to carry out the control operation beside the operation panel. You can control the machine freely with the remote control, and deal with the emergency situation in the processing in time. The operating user does not need to know too many functions of the CNC system, and can control the machine processing with the remote control.
5. It increases the flexibility of the control system and expands the user input interface.
6. It has the function of DLL redevelopment. Different CNC processing systems can have the function of remote control as long as they are connected with DLL.

R & D team and personnel of the company?2019-12-09T16:13:57+08:00

Wamphamvu R & D ndi gulu lolemera la R & Anthu Wixhc – wixhc core synthesis technology has a strong R & Gulu la D. All members of the team have doctorates and master’s degrees, ndipo adapeza R & D and design experience in wireless transmission, CNC Motion Control and other fields. Anthu Wixhc – professional technical engineers receive customer phone and other feedback and timely reply to customers or rush to the customer site to implement solutions for customers.

Timalemekeza umunthu wa mamembala a timu, perekani kufunika kwa malingaliro awo osiyanasiyana, kulimbikitsa kuthekera kwa ogwira ntchito m'mabizinesi, ndikupangitsa kuti membala aliyense athe kutenga nawo mbali pantchito yamagulu, kugawana zoopsa, kugawana zokonda, gwirizana wina ndi mzake, ndi kukwaniritsa zolinga zamagulu a ntchito. Timadalira lingaliro labizinesi la “akatswiri, wolunjika komanso watcheru”, kugawira munthu moyenera, chuma ndi chuma kuti asonkhanitse mokwanira ndi kulimbikitsa chidwi ndi luso la mamembala a gulu, perekani masewera athunthu ku nzeru ndi mphamvu za mamembala a timu monyanyira, ndikuyendetsa kukula kwa kuchulukitsa kwakukulu kwa geometric.

How long is the warranty period of core synthetic technology products?2019-12-09T16:17:02+08:00

From the date of purchase of core synthetic products, you can enjoy 1-year after-sales service of quality assurance, but you need to follow the following principles:
1. Be able to show our valid warranty card.
2. The product is not disassembled, repaired or refitted by itself, and the QC mark is intact.
3. When the product is used in normal state, there are quality problems.

What are the aspects of after-sales service?2019-12-09T16:20:46+08:00

After sales service includes 15 days of unconditional replacement service for quality problems, 12 months of free maintenance service within the warranty period, consulting service for company product purchase, customer service call center attentive service and technical consulting service.

What are the advantages of wixhc wireless remote control?2019-12-09T16:23:40+08:00

Why wixhc core synthesis wireless remote controller? Or what are the benefits of using a wixhc wireless remote control?
1. It can take a wired hand wheel to move and test the machine manually.
2. It has a real-time LCD display, from which you can know the current processing status and coordinate position.
3. It is wireless and more convenient to use.
4. It has more than ten key inputs. You can simplify, cancel or expand the input on the MDI operation panel.
5. The use of CNC machining system can be more simple and convenient through remote control.

What is the business scope of wixhc?2019-12-09T16:33:00+08:00

Wixhc is a modern high-tech enterprise integrating R & D, kupanga ndi kugulitsa, focusing on wireless data transmission and CNC Motion Control for more than 20 zaka. It is committed to industrial remote control, zingwe zamagetsi zamagetsi, CNC yoyang'anira patali, khadi loyendetsa, dongosolo la CNC lophatikizika ndi magawo ena.

We provide our customers with products, solutions and services with core technology competitiveness, mtengo wotsika, ntchito zapamwamba, safety and reliability in the CNC machine tool industry, matabwa, mwala, chitsulo, magalasi ndi mafakitale ena, mgwirizano wotseguka ndi ogwirizana nawo zachilengedwe, continue to create value for customers, release wireless potential, enrich group construction life, and stimulate organizational innovation.

Can the product appearance be customized?2019-12-09T16:38:10+08:00

Most of our products have been applied for and obtained the appearance patent protection of the State Intellectual Property Office. They have unique and exclusive appearance and perfect ergonomics in the market.

Nthawi yomweyo, we can customize according to customersindividual needs to meet their different needs. Not only the appearance can be customized, but also the product function can be customized according to the customer’s needs.

How to feedback product quality problems?2019-12-09T16:40:09+08:00

In order to improve our product quality and quickly respond to the quality problems fed back by customers, the company has a perfect feedback and tracking mechanism for customer quality problems. If you have any quality problems, you can contact sales personnel, after-sales service department, technical support department. Our service personnel provide you with professional services. You can also contact core synthetic technology customer service call center: 0086-28-67877153.

The company has established the product quality information and quality information feedback system to conduct the scientific management of the whole system of the product, accurately grasp the quality status of the product, analyze the change rule of the product quality, realize the closed-loop control of the product quality, ensure the intact status of the product, improve the quality and service life of the product, ndi zina.

What should I do beyond the warranty period?2019-12-09T16:43:26+08:00

In case of quality problems, it is not within the scope of warranty; however, paid maintenance can be carried out:
1. Unable to show the valid warranty card of our company.
2. Failure caused by human factors and product damage.
3. Damage caused by self disassembly, repair and modification of products.
4. Beyond the valid warranty period.

Can the maintenance be completed within the specified time?2019-12-09T16:55:26+08:00

Sorry, because the after-sales service process is for all regions of the world, and there are more process flow and inspection and test links for maintenance. In general, we promise that the maintenance parts will be completed within 3 working days from the day of the after-sales service department. Thank you for your understanding. If your repair parts are urgent, you can also coordinate with our after-sales service department for feedback.

Is after-sales service available on weekends and holidays?2019-12-09T16:58:06+08:00

Perekani 7 * 24-maola akatswiri ntchito. Anthu Wixhc – professional technical engineers receive customer phone and other feedback and timely reply to customers or rush to the customer site to implement solutions for customers.

Wireless remote control uses wireless connection, will there be instability?2019-12-09T17:01:21+08:00

There will be no instability; the interference of wireless connection will not cause the machine to continue to move, and will not cause abnormal operation of the machine. Machine tools are originally industrial processing and high-precision products. When we change wired handwheel to wireless transmission mode, our engineers have considered the instability and reliability of wireless existence. Through our patented intelligent wireless transmission agreement, we have ensured stable and reliable wireless transmission, and ensured that data will not be lost, even if data is lost It will not cause the wrong action of the machine tool, or even continue to run.

Our wireless transmission ensures the stability and reliability of data transmission, so that the data will not be lost within the normal communication distance. How does this work?
1. Data retransmission ensures the stability and reliability of data.
2. Frequency hopping can effectively avoid interference and ensure the stability and reliability of data.

What are the advantages of wixhc?2019-12-09T17:04:09+08:00

Wixhc yakhala ikuyang'ana kwambiri kufalitsa opanda zingwe ndi CNC Motion Control kuposa 20 zaka, kudziunjikira mmene ntchito zambiri kuposa 40 maiko, kuposa 150 mafakitale ndi makasitomala masauzande ambiri padziko lapansi. Luso lathu laukadaulo komanso luso la R & Gulu la D ndiye yankho labwino kwambiri komanso chitsimikizo chazinthu pazofunikira zanu za CNC.

Mpaka pano, kampaniyo yapeza zambiri kuposa 20 ma patent ndi ma utility patent ovomerezedwa ndi ofesi ya boma patent intellectual property office, ndipo ma Patent angapo akugwiritsidwa ntchito. Tekinoloje ya Patent, Kudziwa zamakampani ndi kusanthula kulimbitsanso ntchito za kaphatikizidwe koyambira m'munda wa CNC zomwe timachita bwino..

Teknoloji ya Wixhc

Ndife mtsogoleri mu makampani a CNC, okhazikika pamagetsi opanda zingwe ndi CNC Motion Control yoposa 20 zaka. Tili ndi matekinoloje ambiri okhala ndi setifiketi, ndipo malonda athu amagulitsa bwino kuposa 40 mayiko padziko lonse lapansi, kudzikundikira ntchito pafupifupi pafupifupi 10000 makasitomala.

Ma Tweets Aposachedwa


Lowani kuti mupeze zatsopano komanso zosintha. Osadandaula, sititumiza sipamu!