XHC bir yillik kafolat Siemens cnc marjon mpg qo'l g'ildiragi

Uy|simsiz elektron qo'l|XHC bir yillik kafolat Siemens cnc marjon mpg qo'l g'ildiragi

XHC bir yillik kafolat Siemens cnc marjon mpg qo'l g'ildiragi


XHC bir yillik kafolat Siemens cnc marjon mpg qo'l g'ildiragi

Qo'llab-quvvatlash tizimi:


Wireless electronic manual pulse generator wireless ISM band 433MHz

1ODB transmit power, -98dB detonator sensitivity, isolation distance 50m

The anti-interference design is stable and reliable, and the use of 32 sets of wireless MPG in the room does not affect each other.

Low power design, 2AA battery, normal use for more than 30 kunlar

With the function of axis selection, multiple selection function

With LCD display zero, sub function, LCD can display X, Y, Z, 4,5,6 axis increment sitting value (no LCD display type does not take this function).

The alloy encoders have stable and reliable performance, good handle and clear tooth position.

The buttons are waterproof switch and can be used.

  • 40ATWGP-8/9/10 o'qi
  • Low power design
  • -98dB detonator sensitivity



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Wixhc texnologiyasi

Biz CNC sanoatida yetakchimiz, simsiz uzatish va CNC Motion Control bo'yicha ixtisoslashgan 20 yillar. Bizda o'nlab patentlangan texnologiyalar mavjud, va mahsulotlarimiz ko'proq sotiladi 40 dunyo mamlakatlari, deyarli odatiy ilovalarni to'plash 10000 xaridorlar.

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