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So'nggi yangiliklar

Congratulations to Core Synthetic Technology for obtaining a number of national patents

Yaqinda, Chengdu Core Synthetic Technology Co., CNC markazi uchun XHC simsiz MPG AWGP. has three patents obtained by the State Intellectual Property Office. The patents are: 1. Simsiz elektron qo'l g'ildiragi (MACH3 WHB04B), patent number: ZL 2018 3 0482726.2. 2. Simsiz elektron qo'l g'ildiragi (enhanced wireless electronic handwheelSTWGP), patent number: ZL 2018 3 0482780.7. , simsiz elektron qo'l (basic typeBWGP), patent number: ZL 2018 3 0483743.8.

Ko'proq o'qing

Warm congratulations to Wixhc Technology for obtaining multiple national patents

By |August 19th, 2018|Categories: Yangiliklar|

Warm congratulations to Wixhc Technology for obtaining multiple national patents Recently, Wixhc Technology has obtained 3 patents from the State

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Biz CNC sanoatida yetakchimiz, simsiz uzatish va CNC Motion Control bo'yicha ixtisoslashgan 20 yillar. Bizda o'nlab patentlangan texnologiyalar mavjud, va mahsulotlarimiz ko'proq sotiladi 40 dunyo mamlakatlari, deyarli odatiy ilovalarni to'plash 10000 xaridorlar.

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