

Haqida xinhecheng

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So far xinhecheng has created 16 blog entries.

Xush habar! Chengdu Wixhc milliy patent ruxsatini qo'lga kiritdi!

Compete for the high point of intelligence in the industrial field Chengdu Wixhc innovation does not stop During the past ten years of development Wixhc always takes technology first Continuously increase technology research and development efforts Committed to the innovation and progress of industrial products And in the last year of 2022, ikkitasini oladi

By |2022-09-21T15:33:27+08:0021 sentyabr, 2022|Yangiliklar|0 Comments

CNC markazi uchun XHC simsiz MPG AWGP, CNC markazi uchun XHC simsiz MPG AWGP. CNC markazi uchun XHC simsiz MPG AWGP

In 2022, yangi yil boshida,Wixhc also ushered in the joy of housewarming.The company's office and production address were officially relocated to Chengdu Medical City Science and Technology Enterprise Port - LIANDO U Valley Industrial Park.The scale has also been expanded on the basis of the original, providing favorable conditions for the

By |2022-03-04T14:48:55+08:004 mart, 2022|Yangiliklar|0 Comments

Hayot nafaqat ish, balki bir guruh odamlarning karnavallari — Longquanyi shaftoli kuni sayohatini eslang

Hayot nafaqat ish, but also a group of people's carnival Company benefits are back! The time is like a gap in Baiju. In 2019, half of the time has passed. In order to wish to achieve the goals in the second half of the year, enrich the cultural

By |2020-01-08T16:11:50+08:0010 iyul, 2019|Yangiliklar|0 Comments

SWGP stikerlarini o'zgartirish haqida eslatma

Eslatma Hurmatli mijoz: Thank you for your trust and support for us all the time. In the spirit of quality first and customer first, our SWGP model wireless electronic handwheel will be changed from previous PVC panel to metal aluminum panel. Strong anti-corrosion, good button feel; dustproof, not easy to

By |2020-01-08T16:12:10+08:0023 aprel, 2019|Yangiliklar|0 Comments

Aqlli ovozli aloqa markazining ishga tushirilishi haqida e'lon

Hurmatli hamkorlar: Salom! Sizga sifatli xizmatlarni taqdim etish va yaxshi korporativ brend imidjini yaratish uchun, dekabrdan 28, 2018, bizning kompaniyamiz ovozli qo'ng'iroqlarni amalga oshirish markazining intellektual tizimini to'liq faollashtiradi, va kommutator raqami +86-0028-67877153. Professional ovozli navigatsiya tizimiga ega, bu mijozlarga xizmat ko'rsatish imkoniyatlarini sezilarli darajada yaxshilaydi. Bir nechta sozlash

By |2020-01-08T16:10:36+08:0026 dekabr, 2018|Yangiliklar|0 Comments

Og'ir! Wixhc Amerikaning ArtSoft kompaniyasi bilan strategik hamkorlikka erishmoqda (Mach3)!

Og'ir! Wixhc Amerikaning ArtSoft kompaniyasi bilan strategik hamkorlikka erishmoqda (Mach3)! Each step is establishing a new level of wixhc and ushering in an important moment in history. On December 10, 2018, Wixhc and American ArtSoft Corporation (Mach3) joined forces to become a strategic partner of CNC systems. This cooperation promotes both

By |2020-01-08T16:08:45+08:00December 20th, 2018|Yangiliklar|0 Comments

Xush habar! Vixhcni "Yo'q" mavqeiga ega bo'lganingiz uchun samimiy tabriklayman. 1 tengdoshlari tomonidan Sichuan shahrida!

Xush habar! Vixhcni "Yo'q" mavqeiga ega bo'lganingiz uchun samimiy tabriklayman. 1 tengdoshlari tomonidan Sichuan shahrida! Wixhc - R-ni birlashtirgan yuqori texnologiyali korxona & D, ishlab chiqarish va sotish, focusing on wireless data transmission and motion control research. We provide customers with core technology high-performance, safe and trusted products, solutions and

By |2020-01-08T16:09:24+08:00December 20th, 2018|Yangiliklar|0 Comments

End of the year, the thickest battle-year-end promotional activities have begun!

End of the year, the thickest battle-year-end promotional activities have begun! At the end of the year and at the end of the year, many dealers and users have started preparing for the New Year's goods. Wixhc has been committed to industrial remote control, simsiz elektron qo'l, numerical control remote

By |2020-01-08T16:08:02+08:00December 1st, 2018|Yangiliklar|0 Comments

Warm congratulations to Wixhc Technology for obtaining multiple national patents

Warm congratulations to Wixhc Technology for obtaining multiple national patents Recently, Wixhc Technology has obtained 3 patents from the State Intellectual Property Office. Its patents are: 1. Simsiz elektron qo'l g'ildiragi (MACH3 WHB04B), patent number: ZL 2018 3 0482726.2, patent application date: avgust 29, 2018, authorization announcement date: March 08, 2019.

By |2020-01-08T16:10:07+08:00August 19th, 2018|Yangiliklar|0 Comments

Statement on counterfeiting our products on the market

Statement on counterfeiting our products on the market To Wixhc customers: Thank you for your long-term support for Synthesizer products. Yaqinda, counterfeit products of our company appeared on the market and were sold in multiple stores. The company's WHB03-L and WHB04-L have been completely discontinued in June 2018 and replaced

By |2020-01-08T16:11:24+08:00July 13th, 2018|Yangiliklar|0 Comments

Wixhc texnologiyasi

Biz CNC sanoatida yetakchimiz, simsiz uzatish va CNC Motion Control bo'yicha ixtisoslashgan 20 yillar. Bizda o'nlab patentlangan texnologiyalar mavjud, va mahsulotlarimiz ko'proq sotiladi 40 dunyo mamlakatlari, deyarli odatiy ilovalarni to'plash 10000 xaridorlar.

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