Yearly Archives: 2019


Life is not only work。, but also a group of people’s carnival。 — remember Longquanyi Peach Day Trip。

Life is not only work。, but also a group of people's carnival Company benefits are back! The time is like a gap in Baiju. 係 2019, half of the time has passed. In order to wish to achieve the goals in the second half of the year, enrich the cultural

By |2020-01-08T16。:11:50+08:007月10日。, 2019|News。|0 Comments

Notice about changing SWGP stickers。

注意尊敬嘅客戶。: Thank you for your trust and support for us all the time. In the spirit of quality first and customer first, our SWGP model wireless electronic handwheel will be changed from previous PVC panel to metal aluminum panel. Strong anti-corrosion, good button feel; dustproof, not easy to

By |2020-01-08T16。:12:10+08:004月23日。, 2019|News。|0 Comments


我哋係數控行業嘅領導者。, 專門從事無線傳輸和數控運動控制,超過。 20 年。. 我哋擁有数十項專利技術。, 我哋嘅產品暢銷于。 40 世界各國。, 積累近。 10000 客戶。.



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