Monthly Archives: Disemba 2018


Isimemezelo ekwethulweni kwesikhungo sezingcingo sezwi esihle

Bakwethu: Sawubona! Ukuze ukukunikeze ngezinsizakalo ezingcono futhi usungule isithombe senkampani enhle, kusukela ngoDisemba 28, 2018, inkampani yethu izosebenzisa ngokugcwele uhlelo lokuxhumana lwezingcingo oluqondayo, futhi inombolo ye-switchboard ithi +86-0028-67877153. Inesistimu yokuhamba ngezwi yobuchwepheshe, ezingathuthukisa kakhulu amandla okusebenza kwamakhasimende. Ukubeka okuningi

Ngu |2020-01-08T16:10:36+08:00Disemba 26, 2018|Izindaba|0 Amazwana

Isindayo! I-Wixhc ifinyelela ukusebenzisana okuyisisekelo ne-American ArtSoft (IMach3)!

Isindayo! I-Wixhc ifinyelela ukusebenzisana okuyisisekelo ne-American ArtSoft (IMach3)! Each step is establishing a new level of wixhc and ushering in an important moment in history. On December 10, 2018, Wixhc and American ArtSoft Corporation (IMach3) joined forces to become a strategic partner of CNC systems. This cooperation promotes both

Ngu |2020-01-08T16:08:45+08:00Disemba 20, 2018|Izindaba|0 Amazwana

Izindaba ezimnandi! Ukuhalalisela okufudumele kuWixhc ngokubalwa njengo-No. 1 eSichuan yontanga yakhe!

Izindaba ezimnandi! Ukuhalalisela okufudumele kuWixhc ngokubalwa njengo-No. 1 eSichuan yontanga yakhe! I-Wixhc yibhizinisi eliphakeme lobuchwepheshe elihlanganisa u-R & D, ukukhiqiza nokuthengisa, ukugxila ekuhanjisweni kwedatha engenantambo kanye nocwaningo lokulawula ukuhamba. We provide customers with core technology high-performance, safe and trusted products, solutions and

Ngu |2020-01-08T16:09:24+08:00Disemba 20, 2018|Izindaba|0 Amazwana

End of the year, the thickest battle-year-end promotional activities have begun!

End of the year, the thickest battle-year-end promotional activities have begun! At the end of the year and at the end of the year, many dealers and users have started preparing for the New Year's goods. Wixhc has been committed to industrial remote control, i-wireless handwheel kagesi, numerical control remote

Ngu |2020-01-08T16:08:02+08:00December 1st, 2018|Izindaba|0 Amazwana

Ubuchwepheshe be-Wixhc

Singumholi embonini ye-CNC, onguchwepheshe ekudluliseleni okungenazingcingo kanye ne-CNC Motion Control ngaphezulu 20 iminyaka. Sinezinto eziningi zobuchwepheshe obunelungelo lobunikazi, futhi imikhiqizo yethu ithengisa kahle kakhulu ngaphezu 40 amazwe emhlabeni jikelele, nokuqongelela ukusetshenziswa okujwayelekile cishe 10000 amakhasimende.

Ama-Tweets wakamuva


Bhalisela ukuthola izindaba zakamuva nokuvuselela imininingwane. Ungakhathazeki, ngeke sithumele ogaxekile!