Yearly Archives: 2019


Hayot nafaqat ish, balki bir guruh odamlarning karnavallari — Longquanyi shaftoli kuni sayohatini eslang

Hayot nafaqat ish, but also a group of people's carnival Company benefits are back! The time is like a gap in Baiju. In 2019, half of the time has passed. In order to wish to achieve the goals in the second half of the year, enrich the cultural

By |2020-01-08T16:11:50+08:0010 iyul, 2019|Yangiliklar|0 Comments

SWGP stikerlarini o'zgartirish haqida eslatma

Eslatma Hurmatli mijoz: Thank you for your trust and support for us all the time. In the spirit of quality first and customer first, our SWGP model wireless electronic handwheel will be changed from previous PVC panel to metal aluminum panel. Strong anti-corrosion, good button feel; dustproof, not easy to

By |2020-01-08T16:12:10+08:0023 aprel, 2019|Yangiliklar|0 Comments

Wixhc texnologiyasi

Biz CNC sanoatida yetakchimiz, simsiz uzatish va CNC Motion Control bo'yicha ixtisoslashgan 20 yillar. Bizda o'nlab patentlangan texnologiyalar mavjud, va mahsulotlarimiz ko'proq sotiladi 40 dunyo mamlakatlari, deyarli odatiy ilovalarni to'plash 10000 xaridorlar.

Oxirgi tvitlar

Axborot byulleteni

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